Thursday, January 5, 2012

Jolie, My #1 Commitment Today - Fun Friday

(Day 5 continuation on Faithful Follow Through)
Step 4 to faithfully following through:
    Commit to less Commitments. 
         Today is the perfect day to talk about this, because today is my daughter Jolie's birthday.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JOLIE!  You are so full of joy, singing, creativity, fun, and love! We are going to have so much fun celebrating you today!
         When I over commit to things, I miss out on the really good things in life that are going on with Jolie and the rest of my family.  My kids can't halt their growing while I get everything checked off my to do list.  My husband and God are both amazingly patient, but their lives continue to pass on, while I am distracted and neglectful. There are ministry opportunities all around me that I am oblivious to when I am overwhelmed and overscheduled.
          One of the easiest ways to keep my priorities in order and follow through with what I commit to, is by making fewer and wiser commitments.  I generally over-commit, and it is usually for all the wrong reasons like guilt, keeping up appearances, poor planning, pride, selfishness, lacking the courage to just say "no", etc.  I need to seek God's direction, and use self-control, the next time I am thinking about adding something else to my calendar that needs to stay free for all the fun birthday party planning, laundry, fort making, diaper changing, church activities, storytimes, dinners, date nights, cleaning, talking time, games, and all the other fun random needs of all the people that I touch daily.
         Join with me in committing to: committing less.  I would love to hear your ideas on this topic.

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