Sunday, January 1, 2012

Faithful Follow Through - Mom Mondays

          Happy New Year, Moms! I am really great at coming up with New Year's resolutions and even making great plans to achieve these goals. However, I am not great at following through with these plans. This year I resolve to be more resolute - not just in my resolutions, but in all I say and do! In other words, I am going to work on faithfully following through.
          Just like in basketball where you have to learn and follow several steps in order to make a goal (eyes on the goal, elbow in, follow through, etc.) our daily goals are no different. There are a few things I will have to work at in order to accomplish being better at my goal of being more faithful.
           Step 1: Stop talking so much. The easiest way to mean what I say and only say what I mean is to stop talking so much. As a typical woman, this is no easy task, but I am going to work on thinking more before I speak. This may mean, I have to pause for a moment before I respond to others, or this may even mean not answering the telephone every time it rings. Better yet, I will just turn my phone off every once in awhile, since I am sure that the sound of a telephone ringing triggers some kind of temporary crazy response in my children's brains.
          Come back tomorrow for step two (about no excuses), and in the meantime, I would love to hear about your New Year's Resolutions.

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