Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cleaning Police - Teaching Tuesdays

          If there really were police that had the authority to fine or arrest me according to how clean my house was, I would be in serious trouble. I am scared enough of my husband who randomly confiscates things that are left-out too long. This does keep my girls in check most of the time, but I need to find a way to get them more involved in tidying up and keeping our home more orderly. Next time we are cleaning up, I am going to add some fun by letting them pretend that they are the cleaning police. I think if I give them the power to collect fines, confiscate items, and dole out prescribed punishments for people who do not do their chores or clean up after themselves, this may get them more involved in the process. If it works temporarily, I will experiment with this long term - giving them a designated room to patrol for a week. I will let you know how it goes.
         If you have any great ideas about getting children to practice orderliness, I am all ears.

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