Monday, February 6, 2012

You are What you Think - Mom Mondays

       Have you seen the commercials where the mom says, "You are what you eat," while the soccer ball goes right through the hole in the doughnut shaped kid? Well, Proverbs 23:7 tells us, "For as he thinks within himself, so he is," or in other words, "You are what you think."  Our society is extremely conscious about what types of food they put into their bodies, but they tend to be lax on what types of
things we think about or put into our minds.  Think about why it would be important to guard what goes into your mind and the impact your thoughts could have on the rest of your life.
       What kind of thoughts are you having on this Monday? You have a choice to focus on all the things you are dreading this week, or you could think about all the blessings in your life and the things you are looking forward to. For some reason, I am thinking I would really like a doughnut. What could this type of thinking lead to?

       "We are not what we think we are, but WHAT WE THINK -WE ARE! Our heart secrets are the mold for our character and the index of our worth." - Keswick Calendar

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