Thursday, February 23, 2012

Loving the Unlovable - Thoughtful Thursday

       Agape love is simply selfless unconditional love.  As moms, it comes natural for most of us to love our children; However, I recently became convicted that it does not come natural for me to act lovingly toward my children when my kids are acting unlovable.
        In preparation for church last Sunday, one of my girls (as usual) had a meltdown.  I in turn, lost my temper (as usual), and said these horrible words, "I do not like being with you when you act this way, so we are not going to spend special time together after church like we were planning."  I was spitefully punishing her with the withdrawal of my love and approval. Thankfully, God does not treat us this way. Christ overwhelms us with His love and blessings in the midst of our sin, and encourages us to do the same for others. He welcomes back the prodigal son with open arms. Romans reads, "...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  Christ's unconditional love for us while we are unlovable moves us to grateful worship, obedience of our Savior, and inspiration to do the same.
         Loving the unlovable is not an easy task, but I don't want my child to think that my love for them is based on their performance. Do you want your child's behavior to change because they are trying to gain your approval, or because their heart wants to follow Christ?  We must ask God for His strength, direction, and a changed heart to consistently love our children with Agape love.
        Make a special effort to do something extra special for your child today regardless or even in spite of how they behave today.  You may be pleasantly surprised at how quickly a stubborn and hardened heart can be melted by unconditional love and acceptance.

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