Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TEA Time - Teaching Tuesdays

       Girls love tea parties! Boys enjoy them as well if they are accompanied by yummy snacks.  Take advantage of your kids love of snacks and of spending time with you. Plan a simple tea time to teach a short lesson about the importance of thoughts. As an added bonus you even get to teach about three letters - TEAT stands for thinkingThinking comes first, because it affects everything else. Your thoughts lead to E for Emotions. For example, if you continually think about or focus on all the bad things in your life, you will feel sad. The last letter A stands for actions.  The way that you feel will then make you want to act certain ways. For example, If you feel sad, you may want to cry, withdraw, take a nap, etc.. Thoughts > Emotions > Actions. They are all intermingled.
        For fun, you can label three sugar packets T,E, and A and add part of each packet to your tea to help you explain this concept to your kids. For older kids, you can substitute the "T" sugar packet with salt to show how your thoughts can affect everything else.
         What thoughts, emotions, or actions have you or your kids been struggling with? I would love to see pictures of your tea party. Check in tomorrow to see how to take control of your TEA.

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