Friday, February 3, 2012

Mandy's Lesson 6 - We are all a work in progress.

      Mandy does not look anything like this picture right now, but I am praying that I will get to see this bright and smiling face again soon. This picture makes me think about how God has a picture in His head of the woman that He wants me to grow into.  I am making very slow progress (just like Mandy) most of the time, but at least I am striving to move forward. It is hard to be patient, especially in times of uncertainty.  However, I am thankful for God's patience with me, and I know He won't stop helping me or Mandy grow until He has reached His finished product. We are all works of art in progress, in the hands of a loving and wonderful artist.
      Although Mandy will always be my #1 role model and I will continue to learn from her and this situation, after today I am going to return to my regular blogging.  Mandy loves that I desire to encourage and equip other moms, and she really does not like to be the center of attention.  However, if you want to keep up with her progress, see the caring bridge website: Thank you for your continued prayers for our family.
       Is God molding you in a certain area?  What has He been teaching you lately? What do you think we can learn from Mandy's life and this situation? 

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