Monday, March 26, 2012

"Tell your Face"

My husband doesn't ask much from me, but he does like for me to be happy. On a much needed lunch date we had recently, he asked me, "Are you having a good time?" I responded, "Yes!" To this he replied, "Well, you need to tell your face!"

My husband is wonderful at using humor and candor to help me realize my blindspots and overcome bad habits. I did not realize that my face was in a bad habit of looking stressed, tired, and worried.  The root problem here, of course, is that if I do not have a habit of true joy and contentment in my heart than it is hard to show that emotion on my face consistently.

Play a game of face charades with your kids where you take turns acting out with your faces different feelings or emotions. Talk to them about how our faces reflect our heart feelings. Ask yourself and your kids, "What is usually reflected on your face?" How can we improve our heart feelings?

1 comment:

carlaahendricks said...

So cute! I'll have to remember to "tell my face" throughout my days!