Friday, March 16, 2012

OOC - Fun Friday

Do you ever feel like your kids or your life are totally Out Of Control!?! Christ wants us to have self-control, but he does not want us to be control freaks.  We are supposed to put Christ at the control center of our lives, not ourselves. I have to admit. I have trouble giving things over to Christ instead of holding them tightly in my hot little hand, worrying and trying to make everything work out exactly as I have planned. I am officially a control freak. I like to always have a plan and follow the plan. Order, rules, and a schedules make me feel secure and in control. However, as you know, life is unpredictable and kids always throw a wrench in perfectly made plans. Are you going to wait until the meltdown when you feel like you are about to be overwhelmed and OOC before you trust Christ and let him take control? As moms, we have to learn to trust Christ more and be flexible otherwise we will reach our braking point very quickly. 

This weekend do something Out Of Control with your kids.
  1. Make a mud hole in your back yard and let them get completely dirty.
  2. It is supposed to be nice out. Go crazy with a water fight using hoses, water guns, or wet sponges.
  3. Let them make art on baking sheets or right on the table with non-menthol shaving creme.
  Talk to them about how when we give our worries over to Christ, and trust Him for guidance to work out all our plans for His glory, we are much more flexible and fun. Things work out so much better when Christ is in control.  "Oh, the joys of those who trust in the Lord." - Psalm 40:4

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