Friday, June 22, 2012

Bring Home the Bread! - Money Fights #3

I say, "We are out of bread (or other household staples like butter, cheese, milk, etc.). We need to go to the store right away."

He says, "It is fun to see how long you can go surviving on what we have. Wait until payday."

I don't know why I feel like a bad mom when I don't have the exact food or snack that my children want. My husband on the other hand relishes these moments to teach our kids patience, resourcefulness,  and gratefulness.  After the whining subsides, I am continually surprised at the fun meals that are concocted from the supplies in our cupboard.  Everyone was pleasantly surprised when I actually made buscuits a couple of weeks ago because we were out of store-bought bread and tortillas for so long.

What has your family surprisingly survived on when money was tight?

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