Monday, June 25, 2012

Molding Lives and Jello - 4th of July #1

 Jello is an amazing substance! Have you ever thought of your young children as Jello?  Yes, they are wiggly and fun, but I am talking about the fact that they are so moldable.
As parents we have the most important job of molding young lives daily. Our actions show them what to do and become. They are moldable yet fragile.  Are you gently molding them into something beautiful with love and encouraging words, or tearing them down with criticism and impatience?
Just like wet cement, Jello becomes hardened and less moldable over time. The older they get, the less influence we have on our kids.
How do you sieze the moment and daily pour good molds for your child?
It could be as simple as making or eating fun Jello treats with them. I ran across this great jello flag mold for a quarter at a garage sale years ago, so now every fourth of July we have jello. Add White whipped cream and blueberries to red Jello and you have the perfect sweet and refreshing 4th of July treat. See the Pintentional Parenting Page for more holiday treat ideas.

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