Monday, May 21, 2012

Share SMART Goals - Persevering Activities #4

1. One of the best ways to persevere at finishing your goals is to make sure you are making good goals. Have a share time with your kids about goals.  Are you and your kids making S.M.A.R.T. goals? What kind of goals do they or you have? If they don't have any, help them come up with some.
    S- specific - What exactly do you want to achieve?
    M- measurable - How much, how many, or how often?
    A- attainable - Can you do this without relying on anyone else (besides God of course)?
    R-relevant/realistic - You pick the one you want. I like to ask if this goal is relevant to my life goal of glorifying God, enjoying my relationship with Christ, and other goals as a wife, mother, etc.?
    T-time-bound - When am I going to have this completed by?

Here are some other conversation starters that will help your kids persevere:

2. What situations make you feel like giving up in school, relationships, jobs, activities, sports, etc?.
3. How do you feel when you do give up on a goal versus when you finish a job well?
4. What are some things that distract you from reaching your goals or getting a job finished? For example - TV, video games, toys, the phone, internet, snacking, etc.

"We can keep at the task of training when we realize our children's character development is more important than getting a job done quickly." - Nadine M. Brown from How to Have Kid's with Character, even if your kid's are characters

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