Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Do Unto "Otters"... - Back to School #3

Watch this 8 minute video of this super-cute book reading of Do Unto Otters by Laurie Keller, for a fun and quick lesson on manners, the Golden Rule, and kindness.

A lesson in kindness is one of the best ways to prepare our students for back to school and all the fun times, peer pressure, hurt feelings, and anxiety that happen inside and out of the classroom. Becoming others (or "otters")- focused will help your child become less focused on their own anxieties and make them a welcomed friend and a better student. 

 "To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own." - Abraham Lincoln

 (Thanks to Sarahken100 on YouTube for this video. Search "Do Unto Otters" on YouTube if you can't get this video to work here.)
 For more fun and simple ideas for teaching kindness and helping your child become "otters"-focused, see the "Who will Teach your Kid Kindness" download listed under Free Downloads at Your child’s teacher will thank you for it.
It really doesn't take much to brighten someone else's day. What are the little things that you and your kids do to brighten other's day and help teach your kids to be "Otters" focused? "Otter" moms would love to get some great ideas. Please post them in the comment area.

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