Get a sneak peek at my new site, and get this three page Free Download that sums up our perseverance activities. (Just click on free download to go to the test site.)
My site is not quite finished yet, but you can still post your own great ideas with photos on the homepage, so that I can post them to the "Pintentional Parenting" gallery when it is up and running. Just pretend you are adding a comment to the blog on that site.
I am excited about building a community where moms can share their intentional parenting ideas! I welcome any suggestions or ideas you may have.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Let us Not Become Weary - Persevering Activities #8
The job of being a mom requires at least 18 years of perseverance! We are training our children in small ways every day, and usually only see small results. Remember Rome was not built in a day. As we persevere, our children will slowly grow in perseverance and many other qualities. The key to success is to work on one or two small improvements at a time, and see that these are done consistently despite difficulties. We cannot rush through, give up, or do this life-changing job halfheartedly. Take baby steps! Keep up the good work! Do not become weary in doing good!Hopefully the harvest that we reap will be a multitude of the fruit of the Spirit!
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." - Galatians 6:9
baby steps,
Monday, May 28, 2012
Are you Heavy Laden? - Persevering Activities #7

enjoy this short story from Creative Correction by Lisa Welchel (Blaire from TV show "Facts of Life")
"One day while I was sitting beneath a tree at the base of a large hill, something caught my eye. A young girl was traveling with a man I assumed was her father. As they hiked the steep path together, the man stooped down, picked up a rock, and put it in her empty backpack. He repeated this every few feet. Despite this, the girl pressed on, but before reaching the top, she fell from the weight of her burden.
That load is too heavy for such a small child! I thought angrily.
Unable to watch any longer, I raced to her defense. When I reached the top, I saw that she was resting in her father's arms. He had picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.
After catching my breath, I grilled the man. "What kind of father are you?" I demanded. "Why would you purposely make your daughter stumble by increasing her burden?"
He pointed to a distant summit. Beyond many larger hills and deep valleys stood a beautiful castle. He explained: "My daughter is a princess and that is her home. There are challenging roads ahead of her that you cannot see from the foot of the hill. She must be strengthened for the journey ahead. There will come a time when I will remove the stones she is carrying one by one. In the meantime, I will walk beside her, and she will learn to lean on me.
What are the "rocks" or burdens in your backpack? If the rocks are getting too heavy, learn to walk beside Christ and lean on Him. He will give you rest.
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - Matthew 11:29-30
Creative Correction,
Friday, May 25, 2012
You Deserve a Medal! - Persevering Activities #6

Take a break from all your hard work with a couple of the fun crafting ideas below.
1. Medal, Trophy, or Crown (simple at home craft) - As a reward for finishing school or one of the persevering games from my past posts, let your child make a Prize Medal, Trophy, or Crown- There are numerous ways you can make these simple crafts. Cover cardboard or a paper plate with foil. Use a medal juice can lid to make a medal. Bedazzle your crown with some plastic jewels or glitter, and hang your medal from a pretty ribbon. Find directions for a super simple paper plate crown by Ginny Lawson at
James 1:12 - "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial,
that God has promised to those who love Him."
2.Tedious Craft of Your Choice (worth the time and effort involved) - Teach your child a tedious craft that does not require much skill, but requires lots of perseverance and patience like cross-stitch, model-making, weaving, knitting, legos, peel and stick sticker mosaics, jewelry making, etc.. Let them pick out a craft kit at your local hobby store. You may be pleasantly surprised at how many hours of quiet time this small purchase will buy you.
3.Paper Airplanes - (simple at home) -Orville and Wilbur Wright are excellent historic examples of perseverance. Make paper airplanes and read a book or online information about the first airplane. "Try, try, try; and soon you'll fly!"
What is your favorite tedious craft? Do you have any craft ideas that teach perseverance?
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Songs and CDs - Persevering Activities #5
Kids love to learn through Songs and other Multi-media!
Songs that Teach Perseverance – (As found on YouTube)
Songs that Teach Perseverance – (As found on YouTube)
1. “I Can do all Things.MPG” by Steve Green – posted by thechild4God
2. "All About Perseverance" - posted by Harry Kindergartener
3. "Onward Christian Soldiers" from Cedarmont Kids - posted by Crosspozzure.

Multi-media that teach Perseverance - 2. "All About Perseverance" - posted by Harry Kindergartener
3. "Onward Christian Soldiers" from Cedarmont Kids - posted by Crosspozzure.

Shop for these resources.
Perseverance Adventures in Odyssey's Life Lessons #6 (stories on CD). These stories make our long car rides speed by and our chore time enjoyable. The whining and complaining mouths close so they can hear these action packed stories that teach character. This "life lessons" series focus on a nine different character qualities including perseverance. (Ages 5 and up) (See picture above)
Sumo of the Opera by Michael Nowroski, DVD from Big Idea Productions. I just love Veggie Tales, and this one is specifically about perseverance. (Ages 4 and up)
Winning the Great Race of Faith : How to Overcome Adversity by Doug and Debbie Kingsriter (CD). My girls truly love these musical stories where the songs are directly from Scripture. This story is about a group of kids in a bike race. (Ages 3 and up)
Has your family found any music or other multi-media that teach perseverance?
Monday, May 21, 2012
Share SMART Goals - Persevering Activities #4

M- measurable - How much, how many, or how often?
A- attainable - Can you do this without relying on anyone else (besides God of course)?
R-relevant/realistic - You pick the one you want. I like to ask if this goal is relevant to my life goal of glorifying God, enjoying my relationship with Christ, and other goals as a wife, mother, etc.?
T-time-bound - When am I going to have this completed by?
Here are some other conversation starters that will help your kids persevere:
2. What situations make you feel like giving up in school, relationships, jobs, activities, sports, etc?.
3. How do you feel when you do give up on a goal versus when you finish a job well?
4. What are some things that distract you from reaching your goals or getting a job finished? For example - TV, video games, toys, the phone, internet, snacking, etc.
"We can keep at the task of training when we realize our children's character development is more important than getting a job done quickly." - Nadine M. Brown from How to Have Kid's with Character, even if your kid's are characters
conversation starters,
for moms,
smart goals
Friday, May 18, 2012
Family Fun - Persevering Activities #3
You can have fun as a family and learn perseverance
at the same time with these games!
at the same time with these games!
- Long Games - Any long games teach perseverance. When I was young I thought Monopoly was the longest game of all times. Some other ideas would be any type of brain teasers, Battleship, Scrabble, etc. Whatever they are playing, keep them engaged and help them finish.
- "How Long can You..." - Make up your own competitions to see who can do things the most or for the longest time like hold your breath, hold your arms up in the air, stand on one leg, jumping jacks, run around the house, etc.
- Domino Line-up (Object Lesson) - Each small step is important in completing a big project. Set dominoes up in a long row with a few missing in the middle. Push the first one over. A short row will fall and then they will stop because of the missing ones. Talk to your kids about how this relates to persevering to finish a big task. Then play a short game or set them up in long rows or patterns.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Bedtime Books - Persevering Activities #2
Teaching your child Perseverance can be as simple as cuddling up with a good story book at bedtime.
1. Classic Books - These books can be found at your local library.
The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
Horton Hatches an Egg and Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss
The Little Hero of Holland by Etta and Mary Blaisdell
Tortoise and the Hare – Aesop's Fable
Little Pilgrim's Progress – Any child's version adapted from John Bunyan's original book
Frog Wars, A Lesson in Perseverance by Cindy Kenney and Doug Peterson (The Big Ideas Veggie Town Values Series) ($4.50). Junior must learn to persevere in order to help "Mo" help God's people free from the clutches of Dark Visor.
3. Real - Life Story Book Heroes from the Bible
1. Classic Books - These books can be found at your local library.
The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper
Horton Hatches an Egg and Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss
The Little Hero of Holland by Etta and Mary Blaisdell
Tortoise and the Hare – Aesop's Fable
Little Pilgrim's Progress – Any child's version adapted from John Bunyan's original book
2. Christian Picture Books that Teach Perseverance - Shop or contact me directly for these items.
Frog Wars, A Lesson in Perseverance by Cindy Kenney and Doug Peterson (The Big Ideas Veggie Town Values Series) ($4.50). Junior must learn to persevere in order to help "Mo" help God's people free from the clutches of Dark Visor.
Keep Trying Travis by Jodee Mcconnaughhay ($2.50). In this Happy Day book, Dad helps Travis to learn to keep trying in several life situations from riding a bike to doing homework, and to say, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."
The Nineteenth of Maquerk: Based on Proverbs 13:4 by Aaron Reynolds. See how one lazy caterpillow learns what happens when you don't finish what you start. Ages 3 - 8.
The Nineteenth of Maquerk: Based on Proverbs 13:4 by Aaron Reynolds. See how one lazy caterpillow learns what happens when you don't finish what you start. Ages 3 - 8.
The Super Red Racer, Junior Discovers Work by Dave Ramsey ($9.99)( )This is part of a great series called Life Lessons with Junior that teach kids about being good stewards. In this book, Junior learns that there is a great place to go when you need money - to work. He perseveres over time to collect enough money to buy a much wanted bike. (Ages 4 and up)
3. Real - Life Story Book Heroes from the Bible
a. Noah - Gen. 6:5-22
b. Paul - II Tim. 1: 12; 2:10; Phil.3:7-14 ".
..Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
Do you have any favorite books about perseverance that you would like to share?
Monday, May 14, 2012
Calm your Child or the Storm? - Perseverance Activities #1

Definition of Perseverance -
Finishing what you start even through difficulties
"Do your best all along, and you'll be sure to finish strong." - Jim Weidmann
"If at first you don't succeed; try, try again." -Author Unknown
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." - Newt Gingrich
Persevering Teaching Tips -
Sometimes as mothers, our soft hearts get in the way of our children learning perseverance. We have a tendency to bail them out, shelter them, spoil them, and not require much from them. We are living in a culture that says if something is too hard (marriage, job, etc.) then just give up and move on, but Christ teaches us to stand firm in our faith and persevere through hard times which are bound to come. We need to give our kids the skills that they need to succeed in life by teaching them to start relying on God to help them through the storms. Remember, sometimes He calms the storm, but sometimes He just calms His child. Let us learn this lesson on parenting from Christ. Sometimes the way to be the best mom is not to keep our kids from hardships, but to walk along side them offering guidance and comfort as they persevere.
"If at first you don't succeed; try, try again." -Author Unknown
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." - Newt Gingrich
Persevering Teaching Tips -
Sometimes as mothers, our soft hearts get in the way of our children learning perseverance. We have a tendency to bail them out, shelter them, spoil them, and not require much from them. We are living in a culture that says if something is too hard (marriage, job, etc.) then just give up and move on, but Christ teaches us to stand firm in our faith and persevere through hard times which are bound to come. We need to give our kids the skills that they need to succeed in life by teaching them to start relying on God to help them through the storms. Remember, sometimes He calms the storm, but sometimes He just calms His child. Let us learn this lesson on parenting from Christ. Sometimes the way to be the best mom is not to keep our kids from hardships, but to walk along side them offering guidance and comfort as they persevere.
Memory Verse - Hebrews 10:36 - "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." (vs.19 - 39 is a Call to Persevere)
How do you know when you should remove your child from the storm or when you should just calm your child in the midst of the storm?
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Free Book of Traditions- Mother's Day #7

This book is a compilation of the family traditions of over 100 famous people from Abigail Adams to Barbara Bush. It is packed full of real life traditions that these families really did. Their Mother's Day ideas range from the common breakfast in bed to a day of fishing or planting petunias. (It is a gently used book since it is out of print.)
What are your favorite family traditions for Mother's Day?
Mommy Book Tradition - Mother's Day #6

On one page mount the photos of you and your child. On the next page or two let your child make a drawing or collage from old magazines of things that remind them of you. While they are making a book for you, you could make a book for them too, writing down what you love about them and pasting pictures of their interests for this year.
These books will be a lifelong treasure. I bet Grandma would love to get in on this action as well, if you are still looking for a thoughtful gift for her.
Special Note: Notice that the items your child picks out to remind them of you may be an eye-opening opportunity to help you reshuffle your priorities. I wouldn't be surprised if my kids glued pictures of shoes or garage sale signs in their books instead of a Bible.
Do you any great ideas for mother's day presents? What have been your favorite?
Friday, May 11, 2012
My Top 10 Books for Moms - Mother's Day #5
These books below have had a huge impact on my life as a mom, and I hope they can encourage and equip you as well. As usual you can contact me directly or use my link to Shop
10. Calm My Anxious Heart by Linda Dillow ($16.00) This really is one of my all-time favorite books to do as a Bible Study. I love how Linda Dillow is so practical, Biblically-based, and understands the constant heart struggle of women to overcome their worrisome ways to be more like Christ. This is an excellent book.
9. Creative Counterpart, becoming the woman, wife, and mother you've longed to be by Linda Dillow($15.00). This book helps you become the wife and mother that you have longed to be through practical and biblically based steps and principles. Linda Dillow is one of my all-time favorite authors.
8.A Mother's Heart, a look at values, vision, and character for the Christian mother by Jean Fleming ($13.00 on back order). Being a mother is an extremely important job, but one that can easily feel frustrating and unrewarding. Fleming offers encouragement in your role as a godly mother.
7. Feminine Appeal, Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother by Carolyn Mahaney ($14.00 on back order)This is the best book I have ever read about being a Titus 2 Woman. This book will show you the appeal of being a woman who lives for God and helps others do the same.
6. Shopping for Time by Carolyn Mahaney ($13.00). Shopping for Time offers the solution to women who truly desire to glorify God with every use of their time. By weaving biblical principles of God's Word into five important keys, the author gives women practical advice on how to be fulfilled and excel in their daily responsibilities.
5. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. This book is my most recent favorite. It is currently helping me conquer unbelief and distrust which stems from an ungrateful heart. I am truly amazed at how she can express my true feelings and struggles as a mom in such beautiful language. This was a true God send during my recent family crisis.
4. Creative Correction. Lisa Welchel (a.k.a. Blaire from Facts of Life TV show). Lisa is wonderfully practical and creative in her discipline ideas. What I love most about this book is its amazing index and endnotes that I refer to continually when I have specific problems with whining, fueding, or other common character issues.
3. While They Were Sleeping, 12 Character Traits for Moms to Pray. by Anne Arkins and Gary Harrell ($10.00). One of the greatest ways that you can impact your child's life is by praying for him. This book is a valuable tool for helping you pray specifically and systematically for your child. It also includes a few fun, practical activities to help you connect with your child while teaching him about the character qualities for which you have prayed. (This is a great gift for grandmothers, too!) They have just recently come out with matching prayer cards, character certificates, and beautiful decorative small posters with the qualities and Scripture. What an amazing set!
3. While They Were Sleeping, 12 Character Traits for Moms to Pray. by Anne Arkins and Gary Harrell ($10.00). One of the greatest ways that you can impact your child's life is by praying for him. This book is a valuable tool for helping you pray specifically and systematically for your child. It also includes a few fun, practical activities to help you connect with your child while teaching him about the character qualities for which you have prayed. (This is a great gift for grandmothers, too!) They have just recently come out with matching prayer cards, character certificates, and beautiful decorative small posters with the qualities and Scripture. What an amazing set!
2. Wise Words for Moms by Ginger Plowman($5.50). Plowman has come up with this wonderful tool that is meant to aid you in using the Scriptures to train your child how to get rid of sinful behavior. It lists a problem, the heart issue that corresponds with that problem, then verses that instruct about this problem. Every mom should have one.
1. "Don't Make Me Count to Three!", a Mom's Look at Heart-Oriented Discipline also by Ginger Plowman ($13.00). Through personal experience and the practical application of Scripture, Ginger Plowman encourages and equips moms to reach past the outward behavior of their children and dive deep into the issue of the heart. This is somewhat of a more practical version of Shepherding a Child's Heart.
Would you like to tell us about any of your favorite Mom books?
Would you like to tell us about any of your favorite Mom books?
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Get Rid of Guilt - Mother's Day #4

1. Feeling like I am a bad mom
2. and that I am never going to be good enough,
and as a result neither are my kids.
and as a result neither are my kids.
3. Second-guessing things that I have do
4. Replaying in my head what is already over-and-done
4. Replaying in my head what is already over-and-done
and feeling bad for the choices that I made.
5. Feeling bad for falling short when I compare myself to others or what I think they expect from me.
True conviction comes from the Holy Spirit, the law, the gospel, and our conscience (John 16:8, Acts 2:37, Romans 2:15, James 2:9). God has made us to naturally feel bad when we do something wrong so that we can ask for forgiveness and change. However, if you are feeling bad about something that you cannot change, don't need to change, or already sought forgiveness for and changed, then you are feeling false guilt not conviction.
Stop comparing yourself to others and the world's standard. When you feel those guilty feelings coming on, match up your actions to Christ's law and the gospel to see if there really is something you should feel guilty about. If not, then remind yourself how God put you and your kids together as the perfect match. You are the best mom for your kids. Seek Christ' strength and direction for being the best mom that you can be.
What do you do to combat feelings of false guilt that moms often struggle with?
You are great mom! Get ready to celebrate mothers day guilt free!
Mother's Day
Friday, May 4, 2012
I thank God for you because... - Mother's Day Memories #3
Daily life as a mom requires that we talk to our kids about things they don't like to hear often - correction, chores, homework, bedtime, etc.. Let's try to balance all these negative words with some positive ones. Tell your kid why you think they are so great! Here are some simple ideas.
1. Write a short note and put it:
in their lunch box
on their pillow
on the bathroom mirror or sink.
2. Make a new special place where you can leave notes for them regularly:
a pillow with a pocket in it
a see through plastic paper protector taped up on the shower
a white board next to the toilet.
3. Make plans to make a long list:
10 reasons I love my 10 year old.
Message in a Bottle - My husband filled an old bottle with tiny messages for me.
Medicine Bottle - fill it with little notes to help them feel better when they are down.
On a deck of cards - 52 reasons I thank God for you for the 52 weeks in a year
(These last two ideas were from my Bible study leader, Elaine, who inspires me often)
I would love to hear about your ideas for encouraging your children.
When I write these encouraging words to my kids it is amazing to see how my heart is softened toward them as I remind myself of how great my kids really are. When I have a grateful heart toward them, it is much easier to tolerate the few things about them that aren't so great. Have a great weekend being an encouraging and grateful mom!
P.S. I am sure your husband would love for you to encourage him as well.
1. Write a short note and put it:
in their lunch box
on their pillow
on the bathroom mirror or sink.
2. Make a new special place where you can leave notes for them regularly:
a pillow with a pocket in it
a see through plastic paper protector taped up on the shower
a white board next to the toilet.
3. Make plans to make a long list:
10 reasons I love my 10 year old.
Message in a Bottle - My husband filled an old bottle with tiny messages for me.
Medicine Bottle - fill it with little notes to help them feel better when they are down.
On a deck of cards - 52 reasons I thank God for you for the 52 weeks in a year
(These last two ideas were from my Bible study leader, Elaine, who inspires me often)
I would love to hear about your ideas for encouraging your children.
When I write these encouraging words to my kids it is amazing to see how my heart is softened toward them as I remind myself of how great my kids really are. When I have a grateful heart toward them, it is much easier to tolerate the few things about them that aren't so great. Have a great weekend being an encouraging and grateful mom!
P.S. I am sure your husband would love for you to encourage him as well.
four loves,
grateful heart,
to do list
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Mother's Day Photo Opp - Mother's Day Memories #2
This photo was taken before church on Mother's Day 2010. I was able to easily combat my husband's normal aversion to photo opps because it was Mother's Day.
Since Mom is usually the one taking the pictures, there aren't many pictures of us. Get in the picture mom! We want to remember these wonderful times that go by so fast!
Tell me about some of your great Mother's Day memories!
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