Definition of Perseverance -
Finishing what you start even through difficulties
"Do your best all along, and you'll be sure to finish strong." - Jim Weidmann
"If at first you don't succeed; try, try again." -Author Unknown
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." - Newt Gingrich
Persevering Teaching Tips -
Sometimes as mothers, our soft hearts get in the way of our children learning perseverance. We have a tendency to bail them out, shelter them, spoil them, and not require much from them. We are living in a culture that says if something is too hard (marriage, job, etc.) then just give up and move on, but Christ teaches us to stand firm in our faith and persevere through hard times which are bound to come. We need to give our kids the skills that they need to succeed in life by teaching them to start relying on God to help them through the storms. Remember, sometimes He calms the storm, but sometimes He just calms His child. Let us learn this lesson on parenting from Christ. Sometimes the way to be the best mom is not to keep our kids from hardships, but to walk along side them offering guidance and comfort as they persevere.
"If at first you don't succeed; try, try again." -Author Unknown
"Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." - Newt Gingrich
Persevering Teaching Tips -
Sometimes as mothers, our soft hearts get in the way of our children learning perseverance. We have a tendency to bail them out, shelter them, spoil them, and not require much from them. We are living in a culture that says if something is too hard (marriage, job, etc.) then just give up and move on, but Christ teaches us to stand firm in our faith and persevere through hard times which are bound to come. We need to give our kids the skills that they need to succeed in life by teaching them to start relying on God to help them through the storms. Remember, sometimes He calms the storm, but sometimes He just calms His child. Let us learn this lesson on parenting from Christ. Sometimes the way to be the best mom is not to keep our kids from hardships, but to walk along side them offering guidance and comfort as they persevere.
Memory Verse - Hebrews 10:36 - "You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised." (vs.19 - 39 is a Call to Persevere)
How do you know when you should remove your child from the storm or when you should just calm your child in the midst of the storm?
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