Friday, February 17, 2012

My Wrestling Name is "Big Mama" - Fun Friday

    "Big Mama" tires easily and worries a little bit about her little "Diamond of Doom" getting hurt when "Big Daddy" throws her onto the couch like a sack of potatoes.  However, only fond memories and bonding have occured as a result of wrestlemania at our house - no injuries. My girls looooooooove this special time with their dad, so I was glad when I learned from last week that actual scientific research shows surprising benefits of roughousing. In Brett McKay's blog, he explains these benefits: develops resilience, social and emotional intelligence, morality, physical fitness, joyfulness, bonding, and even likableness.To get the real details instead of just the Cliff Notes version, read The Art of Roughousing by Anthony Debenedet and Larry Cohen. Have fun this weekend wrestling with your kids, and know that although every once in awhile their heads will hit together like coconuts, overall this activity is very good for their brain developement.

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