Mandy and family (minus 1 month old Moriah) |
My sister, Mandy, continues to teach me things even when she is in a coma. She had a rough weekend and so did we. Her brain became so swollen after her brain tumor removal on Thursday, that they had to go back in and remove her skull cap and put her in an induced coma for 48 hours. Normally, on Mondays, I feel a little down because my husband has to return to work, and I have to return to the "daily grind". This is not a good attitude, but one that I have to combat with the power of Scripture and positive perspective every week. Life as a stay-at-home mom is very busy, very important, and can be very fun, but most people would not describe it as exciting. Hopefully, the next time I am craving more excitement in my life, I will remember this time in my life when I am just praying that Mandy and the rest of our family will be able return to the "daily grind."
What are the things in your "daily grind" that may bother you when facing them daily, but you would really miss if you never got to experience them again? For example - my friend Elaine has a son who used to spill his milk everyday:).
Sorry to hear about the complications Mandy has had. I pray she improves soon. Keep us posted and let me know if there is anything you or your family needs like childcare, meals, etc.
Thank you for your willingness to help. It will truly "take a village" (or "a compound" in our case) to do all the jobs Mandy normally does on her own:)
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