Monday, January 23, 2012

How are you doing on your resolutions? - Mom Mondays

    Almost every year, I resolve to read my Bible through this year.  Well, I am only a few days behind right now, but only because I did quite a bit of catch-up reading this morning. This is the beginning of a couple of weeks where I am going to focus my blogging on the importance of being faithful in reading and teaching the Bible in our homes.  I became convicted of this while reading Teach Them Diligently, How to Use the Scriptures in Child Training by Lou Priolo.  I realized that I often teach my children Biblical principles, but I rarely teach them directly from Scriptures. In order to teach them the Bible, I need to be a better student of them myself.  I usually work better with incentives, so tomorrow, I am going to tell you about a little incentive that I am going to offer for faithful Bible reading and teaching.
P.S. Shop to buy Teach them Diligently

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