I get overwhelmed when I think about all the things that I need to teach my kids before they head out into the mean world.
I have to remind myself, that I am not in this alone. My Heavenly Father's burden is light (Matthew 11:30).

All Christ asks me to do is seek Him for strength and direction as I teach my kids the Two Greatest Commandments - to Love God and Love Others. (Matthew 22:37-40) "..on these two commandments rest all the Law and the Prophets."
So, really there is only ONE thing that I need to teach my kids - LOVE
One of the best and easiest ways to teach our kids to love others, is to LOVE them.
Dr. James Dobson encourages me with these words, "A relationship that is characterized by genuine LOVE and affection is likely to be a healthy one, even though some parental mistakes and errors are inevitable."
So, this Valentine's Day, go love your family well!
Find more great ideas for teaching love by getting my FREE DOWNLOAD on LOVE at TheCharacterMom.com .
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