-Top 7 list of what older women should teach young women (see verses below)
-Top 9 list of the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22&23)
-Top 8 list in II Peter 1: 4-8 of qualities needed to keep us from being ineffective in our witness and walk with Christ.
Titus 2:4-5 says, "Then they (the older women) may encourage the young women to:
1. love their husbands,
2. to love their children,
3. to be sensible,
4. pure,5. workers at home,
6. to be KIND,
7. being subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be dishonored."
You are probably familiar with this passage of Scripture in Titus. Before we get married and have kids, we never think we are ever going to have trouble being kind or loving to our families. However, that is not reality. Carolyn Mahaney in her superb book Feminine Appeal says,
"Along with the many delights of marriage and motherhood comes a myriad of temptations to unkindness that we often do not anticipate."
I know I sometimes wonder what happened to that fun-loving girl with the infectious laughter and love for her husband sparkling in her eyes. Do you give kind service with a smile like this silly photo above, or help with a huffy attitude like I have been doing lately? It is easy to let the daily worries of life weigh down your heart and walk with God. When I try to do everything in my own strength, I usually forget to be that tiny word--KIND--that has a big impact on my family.
This month, I am striving to seek God's power and wisdom to overcome my unkind feelings. Stay tuned to hear about how we are going to overcome our weighed down hearts with God's wisdom and wise choices.
Do you have any words of wisdom for me?
This month, I am striving to seek God's power and wisdom to overcome my unkind feelings. Stay tuned to hear about how we are going to overcome our weighed down hearts with God's wisdom and wise choices.
Do you have any words of wisdom for me?
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