"As many of you know, several years ago I wrote Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: Ten Secrets Every Father Should Know and it quickly became a national best-seller. Since then, I have heard from thousands of fathers who told me that for the first time in their lives, they understood how enormously they are needed in their daughters’ lives. And they also told me that they wanted to know specifically what they could do for their daughters. So, I got to work and I am excited to report that I am releasing a Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: The 30 Day Challenge.The 30 Day Challenge is just that. It is designed for fathers to read about 1- 1 ½ pages per day and then they are given a task to do for the day. Dads can read one of these challenges per day, or if they are really busy, read one per week. The purpose is to give fathers a “to do” list since so many have asked for it."
For this or other books Shop Amazon.com through my link, or find more amazing info and resources from Dr. Meg Meeker at megmeekermd.com. She has resources for Moms and Dads with boys, too.
Do you have any favorite father resources to recommend?
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