Monday, March 12, 2012

Everyone Agrees - Seize the Day! - Teaching Tuesdays

All the experts -secular and Christian- agree that we need to seize the days when our children are young.  "Children's lifelong morals and values are determined at an early age." (Most say before the age of 6.) This quote is the main focus on the homepage of a secular site for online stories that teaches morals. The stories are great for entertaining little ones and teaching very basic morals at the same time. Go to for more info.

The older your kids get, the less influence you have over them. Quit making excuses! Make the moments count! Mold your wet cement! These moments are fleeting! I think you get the point. You don't have to make some grand detailed curriculumn to teach your kids character. It can be as simple as explaining to them why you do what you do while you are doing it, celebrating the holidays from a Christian perspective, or reading them a story with a Christian message or moral before bedtime.
Now, let us all go and seize the day! 


jetjrfhth said...

One way I'm not very good about "seizing the day" but trying to with my girls is to catch them doing something that reflects the heart of the woman in Proverbs 31 and pointing it out to them. It's given us some good teaching moments and also encourages them--they are worth "far more than rubies" and they are a treasure.

Sarah Holmes said...

Thanks for sharing your wisdom with us. Our kids soak up positive reinforcement and encouraging words. I wonder why we don't do this more often. Thanks for the great reminder.